Let’s start at the start

In an attempt to actually start blogging, something that I seem to have been putting off since university, I am going to post a curated selection of opinion pieces, essays, photographs and blogs written for work.

Mostly, these are heavily watered down rants, that sometimes have a habit of going off at quite severe tangents, although I think have a fairly sound basis in their arguments. Hopefully there will be some thought provoking pieces, and some content tracing the interesting sites that I am lucky to visit within my work.

But first, a little context.

I’m an ecologist, living and working in London. My background was in marine biology, however my initial desire to move away from academia, and towards friends, drink, music and food, brought me to the city. Much of my work focus on urban biodiversity, green infrastructure and the more strategic approach to nature conservation in our cities and urban spaces, although I do get stuck in with field work and conventional ecological assessments (I’m particularly fond of bats and hold a Class 2 Survey Licence). Hopefully I’ll therefore be sharing experience, photos and thoughts on a range of issues relating to climate change and nature conservation in the UK.

Let’s see how it goes.

If anyone ever actually reads this then please let me know what you think.

Alternatively find me on Twitter or Instagram, as I rock up to the social media party incredibly late, like all the coolest kids do.

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