What would I challenge the construction industry to change?

I was recently asked to produce a 2 minute video response to the question ‘what would I challenge the construction industry to change?’, in relation to sustainable development. This seemed like a simple question but actually turned out to be quite hard to succinctly answer in just 2 minutes. I’ve produced an approximation of my…

The Natural History of British Sea Power

To the uninitiated, British Sea Power are an indie rock sextet originating from Cumbria, via Brighton.  They also happen to be one of the greatest British bands of the last generation. Live, they are astonishing, delivering soaring swathes of eccentric post-rock indie whilst draped in locally gathered tree cuttings, and accompanied by avian taxidermy and a 9-foot…

Let’s start at the start

In an attempt to actually start blogging, something that I seem to have been putting off since university, I am going to post a curated selection of opinion pieces, essays, photographs and blogs written for work. Mostly, these are heavily watered down rants, that sometimes have a habit of going off at quite severe tangents, although…